Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Current Elections

Ok, I just want to put down a few of my thoughts, roughly so I don't forget them later, on the elections here in good ol rainy Washington and just politics in general.  To be honest, I usually keep it real low key when it comes to Politics and my views on such.  But come on, I cannot be the only person pretty fed up with how things are going and can't wait for these elections to be over.  So lets get started.

I guess I will begin with how I do view things to get a better understanding on why I think the way I do on this matter.  Big question everyone always wants to know when talking Politics is are you  Democrat or Republican? Well, my answer is neither.  It took me time to really think about where I stood on everything, and I don't really fit anywhere since im not gonna vote on someone based on their Political stance as it appears most people do.  Why would I?  I dont always agree with everything a Democrat would think of, as I dont always agree with the Republicans.  If im voting for someone, it's going to be on the issues at hand and who seems more fit to solve them.  And lets be honest, half the time we have no idea who the best person would be because we actually dont know what these people who want to lead us actually can do.

This leads me to my next bit on the current elections for Senate and Mayor, and so forth here in Washington.  The main headache im having is how everyone is so hellbent on this Republican/Democrat stuff.  Sum people are seriously voting against various propositions just because one side or the other thought it up.  Like really? Actually take a look at the issues present, the laws we have in place pertaining to that issue, and compare it with is being proposed.  Then go ahead and shoot it down, not because it was drawn up by one side or the other, but because it just doesn't look like its going to make a difference or help the situation.  And this Murray and Rossi thing?  Omg, if I hadn't actually gone on the Internet and actually research what each person was proposing, stood for/against, and what they were going to do to fix the situation, i be voting blind. I said this before in the beginning of these elections and their campaigning, "what can Rossi actually do?  What exactly is he proposing?  WHY vote for him to represent me?"  If I were to guess, Id say maybe 8 out of 10 of his speeches, arguments, and ads are all talking about what Murray has done, will do, and cant do.  I wanna know what Rossi has done, I wanna know what Rossi has drawn up to best represent me, I wanna Know what Rossi can do to turn things around.  If I wanna Know about Murray, I'll go listen to her talk.  And dont get me wrong, Murray is not saint.  She tends to do it too, not as much, but she does it.  No, what she does is give half ass answers.  She is a vet in this Political game and I feel is using that as a crutch.  She campaigns like this election is in the bag, that since she been in the game for so long she doesn't have to explain herself, prove anything, convince us that she is still relevant and can do the job.  Not exactly sayin she been so peachy thus far, but still.  I wanna know hat Murray has done, I wanna know what Murray is going to do next.  I wanna know what she is fighting for to help better my life.

OS bottom line.  Thats what is going through my head.  It makes me sad to see people actually so torn over what position they are or no. Blaming one side or the other for various issues.  Lets face it, it wasnt a Democrat that messed up the Economy, nor was it truly a republican. I was whoever had the better punch line against the other in the end that messed everything up. So bottom line to my thoughts on this at the moment would be to really look at the issues, not who proposed it when determining who should represent us.  I mean because if we continue to choose the way we do now, we, as a people, are going to continue to run this great country of ours downward.  Lets face it, thats how we got Bush for the second term the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Well I just want to go on the record as saying I agree with you. In regards to you can't pick a politician just because of his political Party. And I will agree that the mess we have here today is not because of one party of the other. Mainly its because people today do not do anything to understand what that particular person stands for. Plus we have to many people who just don't vote. Most elections are just mud slinging contest these days and various soundbites. Take for example here in Kentucky Jack Conway vrs Rand Paul. Jack Conway can not stand on his own policy's and decisions so what does he do drags out some joke that Rand Paul did 30 years ago in college to try to make him out to being a bad person. Honestly anyone with half a brain that went to college knows, The majority of the kids in college do things to mess with the establishment or just to play games as they try to find out what or who they are really about. I mean should we really pick on someone because they did something silly as a young adult or that long ago. Get real how many of us did things we probably regret as a kid.
    The other main problem we have is the 2 party system. Don't get me wrong I am not saying its flawed but as you already stated one side now votes for or against mainly because of party lines and that is because as a whole we have lost sight of the American dream. The majority of people in the last 20 years have gotten this ideal. Its the governments responsibility to take care of everyone. I mean look at all the social programs we have out there that people believe are entitlements. Ie Earned Income Credit, Food Stamps, HUD and ect. I am not saying these are not valid programs but look around you and you will know people that really should not be receiving these aids but feel that they are due that just because they can get them. I rember a time when I was much younger and ppl would get on food stamps to pick themselves up and would do everything in their power to get back off them. That is not the case today. People get on them and then do anything they can to stay on them. Now I am also not trying to say everyone on these programs don't need them, Just stating that the majority of people on them shouldn't be there. Another Program that is abused is the EIC I can't tell you the number of people I know that will actually stop working just to make sure they qualify for it each year. Or the number of people that don't get married because if they did they would no longer qualify for it. These are the problems that have gotten us to the state we are in and that is why in my own opinion this is not a Republican/Democrat problem but a society as a whole problem. We lost sight of the American Dream when we started thinking that the needs of one individual was more important than the needs of the majority. I hope this comments doesn't start a war but here is just an example of this problem. Just a few years ago all college graduation ceremonies used to have some religious speaker that would give some sort of prayer Didn't matter who or what religion it was it was just a prayer If it wasn't your religion it was ok you just silently stood there out of respect to the others. Nowadays you could have 999 say Catholics at the ceremony and 1 atheist there and the 1 atheist would be there to file a lawsuit. Instead of being respectful of the ceremony and the other people around them. I hope this helps you with your discussion and nobody gets any hurt feeling from anything i just said

